Tankless Water Heater: How is it Beneficial?

When you turn on the hot-water tap of a tankless water heater, the heat exchanger immediately starts heating the water. The unit will continue heating the water until the flow stops, and it will automatically shut off. It’s essential to have a professional install this system because new wiring and gas lines are required. Professionals are knowledgeable about local codes regarding carbon monoxide emissions, thermal resistance, and venting.

They’re Energy Efficient

Tankless water heaters Pleasanton, CA is a wise long-term investment that can help homeowners save energy. Its on-demand operation means families can take multiple showers or run a washing machine without running out of hot water. Additionally, tankless water heaters don’t experience the recovery and cycling losses that plague traditional storage tanks, so they have better overall efficiency than their counterparts. Your customers can boost their energy efficiency by pairing tankless water heaters with solar panels. This helps them power their home’s water heating system with clean, renewable electricity, reducing their carbon footprint.

They’re Eco-Friendly

Tankless water heaters operate by heating water as needed, eliminating the need for constantly reheating water in a tank. This results in more efficient energy usage. They help protect the environment around them by reducing their carbon footprint and consumption of fossil fuels. Additionally, they are less prone to leaks and water damage since they don’t store water. And, unlike traditional storage models, they don’t contribute to a rise in methane emissions that are linked to climate change. Many state and local energy companies offer rebates for switching to a tankless water heater. These can add to significant savings, especially in hot water homes. This can offset initial investment and provide additional peace of mind for homeowners. 

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They’re Affordable

Investing in a tankless water heater may be pricier initially than purchasing a storage tank model, but it can provide long-term comfort and energy savings. These units operate on electricity, natural gas, or propane and heat water only when necessary, eliminating standby energy losses that occur with traditional storage tanks. Additionally, they are more compact and durable than conventional models. Tankless water heaters are also 24% to 34% more energy efficient than tank models for homes that consume 41 gallons or less daily, resulting in significant savings for homeowners each year.

They’re Fast

Tankless water heaters provide a constant and uninterrupted flow of hot water, allowing customers to take multiple showers without waiting. When someone opens a hot water tap, the flow sensor immediately signals the heater to commence water heating. The gas valve promptly opens, and the heat exchanger rapidly transfers BTUs to the water through the tubing until the water reaches the open outlet, such as a faucet or showerhead. With the help of a recirculating pump, hot water can be returned to outlets within seconds of opening them, which is particularly advantageous in homes where the heater is far away. Furthermore, this feature effectively eliminates hard water buildup in the heater by flushing out minerals.

They’re Easy to Install

Unless you are an experienced professional, leaving tankless water heater installations to the pros is best. Ensure that your technicians have access to the whole-house water shut-off and are familiar with the manufacturer’s directions for positioning, ducting, and leaving a specific clearance for servicing. Depending on the unit type, non-condensing models vent out the exhaust outdoors and have energy efficiency rates of 80%. In comparison, condensing models capture the extra heat that escapes the vent system and recycles it into the incoming cold water to increase their energy efficiency ratings to 90% or higher. By switching to a tankless water heater, customers will see significant energy savings annually. These savings will offset the initial upfront investment and provide long-term cost benefits. These units are ideal for homes with high water usage and larger families.

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