How to Spot Sewer Line Leaks

A sewer line leak is one of the most dangerous plumbing emergencies that can occur. It releases gases like hydrogen sulfide and methane, affecting your family’s health. It also increases humidity levels in your home, leading to mold and mildew growth.

While some causes of a sewer backup, like the age of your pipes or soil movement, are out of your control, there are warning signs that you can look for.

Slow Draining

A slower drain than usual might seem like a minor problem to shrug off, but it could be an early sign of sewer line issues. Slow draining happens when the clog restricting waste and water flow grows. It can cause the clog to affect your entire plumbing system, and sewage might start backflowing into your home. To prevent potential health and environmental hazards, it is crucial to promptly address any leak in the sewer line leak repair Jacksonville, FL. It is highly recommended to immediately repair any leaks to prevent further damage to the sewer system.

Fats, oils, and grease (FOGs) can accumulate inside pipes, narrowing the space for waste to pass and causing blockages. Avoid pouring these substances down your drains, and throw away cooking utensils afterward. Paper towels, “flushable” wipes, and sanitary products should never be sent down your toilet drains.

Gurgling Sounds

If you have been hearing sounds of running water in your home despite ensuring all faucets and toilets are off, this could indicate that the sewer line is leaking. Gurgling noises in pipes are caused by trapped air due to blockage or leak. These noises can lead to severe problems like structural damage, sewage backups, and flooding.

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The spongy feel of your floors may also suggest a sewer leak is present. Plumbing pipes snake throughout your home and can seep anywhere, including beneath floors. This moisture can cause discoloration and damage and may also encourage mold or mildew growth. In addition, if the leak is significant enough, it can cause soil shifts and foundation issues. It can be a big issue for older homes and those with trees in their yards.

Foul Odors

When sewage seeps into your home, foul odor is the most common and obvious sign. The odor comes from the hydrogen sulfide gas produced when sewage decomposes and can be very strong.

In low concentrations, sewer gas is not dangerous, but it can lead to nausea and breathing problems when exposed for prolonged periods. It can also contaminate groundwater and soil.

A leaking sewer line can attract unwanted pests, including rats, roaches, and flies. These insects love to scavenge in the dark corners of city sewer lines and can make their way into your home through pipe cracks. The cracks can also let in water, creating a breeding ground for mold. It’s best to call a plumber to inspect and repair any sewer line cracks immediately.

Puddles or Wet Spots

If you notice puddles in your yard that appear full of sewage (as opposed to merely rainwater), it could mean your sewer line is leaking. Sewage contains lots of nutrients that can transform grass into lush, green, thriving lawns, which is why you often see patches of grass that are taller and more lush than other parts of your yard.

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If these puddles appear more frequently than usual, it’s a clear sign you leak your sewer line, which needs to be addressed. The longer you wait to address this issue, the more harm it will cause your home’s plumbing and surrounding property. You could even risk having to replace your foundation. In addition, puddles of standing water are an invitation to pests like rodents and other unwanted guests.

Pest Activity

The most obvious sign of a sewer line problem is sewage backs up into your drains. If this occurs every time you flush the toilet or use the bathtub or sink, it is likely caused by a clog in your main sewer line.

Backed-up sewage is unsettling and dangerous because of the bacteria and pathogens it contains. A professional plumber should address it immediately to prevent further damage and health risks.

Another clear indicator of a sewer line issue is increased pest activity. Rodents and insects are drawn to sewage leaks because they offer breeding grounds and food sources. A sudden increase in pest activity should be investigated immediately. The cause could be a damaged or broken sewer line.